“The Pascal Mystery is the centre of our spirituality as Sisters of the Holy Cross.
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ shows how important the world is to God.”
Spirituality is an inner transformation of thought that offers us the freedom to positively influence our lives and the lives of others through love and kindness. In our lives and our actions, we wish to witness to the Crucified and Risen Lord.
How are we open, moved, sensitive and listening to the promptings of the Spirit?
We see how we are being guided by the Spirit expressed in Romans 8:14:
“Those who are led by God’s spirit are God’s children.”
Having placed her firm trust in God, led by the Spirit, Mother Bernarda faced the realities of her time. She kept alive the radical faith in God who always accompanied her. Her deep relationship with God enabled her to have respectful relationships with persons. Mother Bernarda and the first sisters also knew God deep within themselves. Knowing God within, led them to actively participate in His mission in the world.
Mother Bernarda accompanied the sisters in discerning the movement of the Holy Spirit in their hearts and feelings in order to enable them consciously to make choices as disciples. Inspired by the Gospel and following the example of Mother Bernarda, we work towards the kingdom of God.
A true Spirituality unifies the whole of our lives bringing into harmony our relationship with God, with others and with creation. An authentic spirituality lived out in this way shapes and transforms the whole of our being and experiences. This is possible only thorough a deep relationship with God and transformation of self.
In our daily life we allow ourselves to be led by the spirit in all our activities and strive to develop a spirituality of action. The entire spiritual path could be described as learning to ‘let go’ but letting go all at once is not possible.
The spiritual journey is a persistent one. When we embark on a great journey, we cannot come with the expectation that it will be short and easy. We know it might take a while and for sure obstacles will come, but we are willing and will be prepared. We know that the journey will be an ongoing search for meaning, and that the destination will be totally worth it. Trusting in His Divine Providence we immerse ourselves into the realities of society to offer our services as Jesus wants us to do.
We ask ourselves:
- Where do I find meaning?
- How do I feel connected to God and His creation?
- How will I witness to Christ?